Certain items in vanilla minecraft still exist in TFCraft, though their recipe may have been changed or an alternative recipe is available. For example, some items that require vanilla iron ingots can still be made using wrought iron ingots or sheets. Vanilla recipes are planned to be phased out in favor of the TFCraft recipes, but those listed work as of Beta Build 78.
Other Vanilla Recipes not listed below are still the same.
By default, the vanilla crafting recipe for the following items is disabled:
Disabled Recipes
    Wooden Tools & Weapons
 Flower Dye
Plank Blocks
Wood Stairs
Fences and Fence Gates
Chest Minecarts
Wood Slabs
   Leather Armor
Wood Button
Wool Block
Default Value
enableVanillaDiamondRecipe |
false |
If true then TFCraft diamonds can be converted to vanilla Minecraft diamonds by placing them in your crafting space. A "Normal" TFCraft diamond will give one vanilla diamond. "Flawless' will give two and "Exquisite" three. "Chipped" and "Flawed" TFCraft diamonds do not give any vanilla diamonds.
enableVanillaGoldRecipe |
false |
If true then TFCraft gold ingots can be converted to vanilla Minecraft gold ingots by placing them in your crafting space.
enableVanillaIronRecipe |
false |
If true then TFCraft wrought iron ingots can be converted to vanilla Minecraft iron ingots by placing them in your crafting space.
enableVanillaRecipes |
false |
If true then the vanilla Minecraft recipes for creating the following items are enabled: wooden tools and weapons, furnaces, torches, sticks, planks, storage minecarts, red and yellow dye, bonemeal, fences, fence gates, wood stairs, wood slabs, wool blocks and leather armor. In addition, the following recipes are added for converting TFCraft blocks and items to their corresponding vanilla Minecraft blocks and items: red apples, cobblestone, leather, and stone shovels, hoes and axes.
Wooden Items
Plank Blocks
In TFCraft, crafting logs results in lumber instead of plank blocks. Nearly all wooden vanilla item recipes have been replaced to use lumber instead of plank blocks, but plank blocks are still obtainable if you wish to use them as a building block. To craft wooden plank blocks, all you need to do is combine four lumber of the same wood type in a square.
Beds are crafted using lumber and Wool Cloth or Silk Cloth
Vanilla Iron Buckets cannot be crafted in TFC. Wooden Buckets serve a similar purpose to a vanilla bucket, but is more limited in its uses. It can only pick up water to use in the crafting grid or to put it in a barrel and is therefore unable to place water. It can be used to carry water, limewater, milk and vinegar. It is totally unable to pick up lava (as would be expected of a wooden item).
Chests are craftable using 8 lumber or 8 plank blocks.
Vanilla doors are craftable using 6 plank blocks. However, TFCraft has new doors made with an alternative recipe that requires 6 lumber of the same wood type. This produces a door of the specific wood type.
Signs are craftable using the vanilla recipe of 6 plank blocks and 1 stick. However, TFCraft has an alternative recipe that requires only 6 lumber and 1 stick. Note: The vanilla recipe will yield 3 signs instead of one.
Trap Doors
Trap doors are craftable using the vanilla recipe of 6 plank blocks. However, TFCraft has an alternative recipe that requires only 6 lumber. Note: The vanilla recipe will yield 2 trap doors instead of one.
Stairs & Slabs
Wooden stairs and slabs are craftable using the Chisel
Stone Items
Cobblestone blocks are crafted using 4 rocks of the same stone type in a square.
Bricks are crafted individually using the Chisel.
You can use these bricks to craft brick blocks (see below).
Brick Blocks
Brick Blocks are crafted using 5 Bricks and 4 Mortar
Raw Stone
Smooth Stone
Bricks + Mortar
Stairs & Slabs
Stone stairs and slabs are craftable using the Chisel
Metal Items
Using 5 wrought iron sheets, a minecart can be crafted in TFCraft. Just like in vanilla, minecarts can be combined with chests to create a minecart with chest. A Minecart with chest can hold 2 rows of items, the equivalent of a TFCraft double-chest. Breaking the minecart with chest returns both the minecart and chest. Note: This is a temporary recipe and may be changed or removed in future versions.
Minecart Rail
Using 4 wrought iron ingots and 2 sticks, minecart rail can be crafted in TFCraft. Note: This is a temporary recipe and may be changed or removed in future versions.
Powered Rail
Using 4 gold ingots and 2 sticks, powered minecart rail can be crafted in TFCraft. Note: This is a temporary recipe and may be changed or removed in future versions.
Shears can be created using wrought iron ingots in TFCraft.
Flint & Steel
Flint & Steel can be created using wrought iron, or steel, ingots in TFCraft.
Misc. Items
Levers are made with a stick placed on top of a rock.
Torches are made by lighting sticks in a firepit or a forge.
Fishing Rods
Fishing Rods can be crafted with either String or Wool Yarn.
Bow & Arrows
Bows can be crafted with either String or Wool Yarn. Arrows can be crafted the vanilla way, or in a shapeless recipe with rocks. Note: The TFC recipe produces 8 arrows, while the vanilla only produces 4.
Books are crafted in the same way as vanilla, substituting TFC leather.
Item Frames
Item frames are craftable using 8 sticks and a piece of leather.
Paintings are craftable using 8 sticks and a piece of Wool Cloth or Silk Cloth.
Glass is made by smelting sand in either a fire-pit or a forge, it takes a long time and melts at Bright Red **.
Not all dyes are implemented yet.
Light Blue