Ambient Temperature

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Ambient Temperature refers to the temperature of the surrounding and is measured in degrees Celsius. Current ambient temperature can be viewed on the debug screen. (Default Key: F3)

Temperature calculations are such that the average temperature at a given latitude will be similar to the same latitude in degrees north of the equator in a continental (ie non-coastal) location of North America. This means colder winters, warmer summers, hotter equatorial temperatures and bitter polar regions (Current lowest polar temperature on record is -42 C)

The ambient temperature will increase at 6:00 in the morning and decrease at 18:00 in the evening.

Conversion Chart

°C -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
°F -40 -31 -22 -13 -4 5 14 23 32 41 50 59 68 77 86 95 104 113 122 131

Contributing Factors


Ambient temperature affects a number of factors, including:

Construction Barrels • Blueprints • Bricks • Firepit • Plank Blocks • Protection Meter • Quern • Smooth Stone • Straw & Hide Bed • Support Beams • Thatch
Environment Altitude • The Player • Calendar • Cobblestone • Logs • Mobs • Saplings • Seasons • Stone • Temperature • Trees
Food Agriculture • Animal Husbandry • Berries • Fruit Trees
Materials Charcoal • Coal • Double Ingots • Double Sheets • Flux • Gems • Gunpowder • Hides • Ingots • Leather • Lumber • Minerals • Pottery • Redstone/Powders • Sheets • Sticks • Straw • Unshaped Metal • Wool
Metalworking Alloys • Anvils • Armor • Bellows • Blast Furnace • Bloomery • Tool Molds • Crucible • Forge • Gold Pan • Metals • Ores • Sluice
Tools & Weapons Arrows • Axe • Buckets • Chisel • Firestarter • Flint & Steel • Hammer • Hoe • Javelin • Knife • Mace • Pickaxe • Prospector's Pick • Saw • Shovel • Sword • Scythe • Shears • Spindle
Other Crafting Differences • Item Index