Protection Meter

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Revision as of 00:33, 4 June 2014 by Kittychanley (Talk | contribs) (Updated to B78)

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Protection Meter
Protection Meter.gif
Protection Meter



Grid Steel Pickaxe.png


Yes, 32






Very Small




The protection meter is crafted with six Smooth Stone, two glass, and a single Chipped Gem. The six pieces of smooth stone do not all have to be the same block (e.g. Andesite and Basalt), but they do have to be from the same stone type (i.e. Sedimentary, Metamorphic, Igneous Intrusive, Igneous Extrusive).

Smooth (Chalk) Smooth (Chert) Smooth (Claystone) Grid layout Arrow (small).png Protection Meter
Glass Chipped Agate Glass
Smooth (Conglomerate) Smooth (Dolomite) Smooth (Limestone)


The protection meter block shows the amount of accumulated spawn protection in a specific chunk where it is placed, going from red to green to indicate maximum protection. The block will also emit light as the meter increases, increasing from a light level of 0 for no protection, to 8 for max.

Spawn Protection keeps hostile mobs from spawning in a 5x5 chunk area. It increases the longer a player stays in an area, and decreases when they leave. The protection meter is simply a way of knowing how much protection is in an area; it does not affect gain or loss of the protection.


Main article: Configuration
Option Default
protection Options affecting spawn protection.
maxProtectionMonths 10
The maximum number of months of spawn protection that can accumulate.
protectionGain 8
The number of hours of spawn protection added to a 5x5 chunk for each hour that a player spends in it.


v2 Build 52Added spawn protection.
Build 53Added protection meter.
0.77.5Spawn protection radius increased to a 5x5 chunk area centered on the player.

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