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SheepskinHide (Raw)Hide (Soaked)Hide (Scraped)Hide (Prepared)

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terrafirmacraft:item.16996 - 1700


Raw Hide/Sheepskin

Raw Hide is dropped by Pigs, Cows, Deer and sheared Sheep, and drops in three sizes: Small, Medium, and Large. Only one Raw Hide is dropped by each animal, but larger animals drop larger hides.

  • Note: unsheared Sheep drop Sheepskin, which can be crafted into Wool with a Knife. One Raw Hide is created as a by-product of the crafting.
Copper Knife Wool
Grid layout Arrow (small).png

Soaked Hide

Soaked hides represent the stage in leather tanning in which the hides have been soaked in a lime solution to loosen the fibers. Larger hides will absorb more limewater.

Turning Raw Hide into Soaked Hide requires a Barrel of Limewater. Once filled to your desired amount, place the Raw Hide into the Barrel and seal it. You will not be able to open the Barrel until the process is completed. Once complete there will be Soaked Hide in the Barrel.

Input Output
Grid layout Arrow (small).png Hide (Raw)
Grid layout Arrow (small).png Hide (Soaked)
Barrel of Limewater

Scraped Hide

Scraped Hides represent the step in leather tanning in which the fibers are removed from the hide, making a clean surface that won't rot as easily.

Scraping a soaked hide requires a leather rack. First, a log needs to be place on its side. Then, a soaked hide can be placed on the log by right clicking. Using a knife, each portion of the hide needs to be scraped clean. Finally, the hide can be removed from the log.

Prepared Hide

Prepared Hides represent the step in leather tanning in which the now scraped hides are washed in water to remove the basic lime used earlier in the processing. Once washed, they are ready to be tanned. Larger hides will use more water.

Turning Scraped Hide into Prepared Hide requires a Barrel of Water. Once filled to your desired amount, place the Scraped Hide into the Barrel and seal it. You will not be able to open the Barrel until the process is completed. Once complete there will be Prepared Hide in the Barrel.

Input Output
Grid layout Arrow (small).png Hide (Scraped)
Grid layout Arrow (small).png Hide (Prepared)
Barrel of Water


A Large Raw Hide can be used to create a Straw & Hide Bed. To create the Straw & Hide Bed, right-click with the Large Raw Hide on two adjacent Thatch blocks. Small and Medium Raw Hides cannot be used to create a Straw & Hide Bed.

Prepared Hides are used in producing Leather. Turning Prepared Hide into Leather requires a Barrel of Tannin. Once filled to the desired amount, place the Prepared Hide into the Barrel and seal it. You will not be able to open the Barrel until the process is completed. Once complete, there will be Leather in the Barrel. Larger hides will require more tannin, but will produce more leather.

Input Output
Grid layout Arrow (small).png Hide (Prepared)
Grid layout Arrow (small).png Leather (TFC)
Barrel of Tannin

Construction Barrels • Blueprints • Bricks • Firepit • Plank Blocks • Protection Meter • Quern • Smooth Stone • Straw & Hide Bed • Support Beams • Thatch
Environment Altitude • The Player • Calendar • Cobblestone • Logs • Mobs • Saplings • Seasons • Stone • Temperature • Trees
Food Agriculture • Animal Husbandry • Berries • Fruit Trees
Materials Charcoal • Coal • Double Ingots • Double Sheets • Flux • Gems • Gunpowder • Hides • Ingots • Leather • Lumber • Minerals • Pottery • Redstone/Powders • Sheets • Sticks • Straw • Unshaped Metal • Wool
Metalworking Alloys • Anvils • Armor • Bellows • Blast Furnace • Bloomery • Tool Molds • Crucible • Forge • Gold Pan • Metals • Ores • Sluice
Tools & Weapons Arrows • Axe • Buckets • Chisel • Firestarter • Flint & Steel • Hammer • Hoe • Javelin • Knife • Mace • Pickaxe • Prospector's Pick • Saw • Shovel • Sword • Scythe • Shears • Spindle
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