Talk:Crafting Differences

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Vanilla recipes will be phased out eventually... --EstebanLB (talk) 20:13, 23 August 2012 (EDT)

Didn't know about that. I'll be sure to mention that in the introduction. --GCountach (talk) 20:27, 23 August 2012 (EDT)


By default, the vanilla crafting recipe for the following items is disabled:

Disabled Recipes
Grid Wood Sword.pngGrid Wood Pickaxe.pngGrid Wood Shovel.pngGrid Wood Axe.pngGrid Wood Hoe.png Wooden Tools & Weapons Grid Rose Red.pngGrid Dandelion Yellow.png Flower Dye Grid Planks (Oak).png Plank Blocks Grid Oak MC Stairs.png Wood Stairs
Grid Fence Gate.png Fence Gates Grid Torch.png Torches Grid Minecart with Chest.png Chest Minecarts Grid Furnace.png Furnaces Grid Oak MC Slabs.png Wood Slabs
Grid Leather Helmet.pngGrid Leather Chest.pngGrid Leather Leggings.pngGrid Leather Boots.png Leather Armor Grid Stick.png Sticks Grid Bone Meal.png Bonemeal Grid White Wool.png Wool Block


Conversion configs allow you to place either the vanilla or TFC item in a crafting grid and convert it. Note that conversions of food are irreversible.

Option Default
appleConversion false
If true then.
arrowConversion false
If true then.
bowConversion false
If true then.
coalConversion false
If true then.
diamondConversion false
If true then TFCraft diamonds can be converted to vanilla Minecraft diamonds by placing them in your crafting space. A "Normal" TFCraft diamond will give one vanilla diamond. "Flawless' will give two and "Exquisite" three. "Chipped" and "Flawed" TFCraft diamonds do not give any vanilla diamonds.
emeraldConversion false
If true then TFCraft emeralds can be converted to vanilla Minecraft emeralds by placing them in your crafting space. A "Normal" TFCraft emerald will give one vanilla emerald. "Flawless' will give two and "Exquisite" three. "Chipped" and "Flawed" TFCraft emeralds do not give any vanilla emeralds.
fishConversion false
If true then.
fishingRodConversion false
If true then.
flintSteelConversion false
If true then.
leatherArmorConversion false
If true then.
leatherConversion false
If true then.
stoneAxeConversion false
If true then.
stoneHoeConversion false
If true then.
stoneShovelConversion false
If true then.
woodButtonConversion false
If true then.
workbenchConversion false
If true then.

Enable Vanilla Recipes

The vanilla recipes config allows you to re-enable vanilla crafting recipes. Note although ore dictionary support allows many TFC items to be used you may have to enable other recipes or conversions to obtain materials necessary for the craft.

Option Default
anvilRecipe false
If true then it is possible to craft vanilla anvil, but requires Iron Block recipe to be enabled.
arrowsRecipe false
If true then vanilla arrows can be crafted using the vanilla recipe, but can not be used with TFC bow.
bedRecipe false
If true enables vanilla recipe for bed, but requires wool recipe to be enabled.
bonemealRecipe false
If true then bones will be crafted into vanilla bonemeal.
bowlRecipe false
If true then wooden bowls can be crafted.
brewingRecipe false
If true then brewing stand can be crafted.
bucketRecipe false
If true then iron bucket can be crafted. Water or lava picked up with bucket will convert to vanilla water or lava respectively.
chestRecipe false
If true then vanilla storage chest can be crafted with any plank.
clockRecipe true
If true then clock can be crafted.
compassRecipe true
If true then compass can be crafted.
dandelionYellowRecipe false
If true then vanilla dandelions can be crafted into dandelion yellow dye.
diamondArmorRecipe false
If true then all diamond armor can be crafted.
diamondBlockRecipe false
If true then diamond blocks can be crafted and uncrafted.
diamondToolsRecipe false
If true then all diamond tools can be crafted.
dispenserRecipe true
If true then dispenser can be crafted.
dropperRecipe true
If true then dropper can be crafted.
enchantTableRecipe false
If true then enchantment table can be crafted.
fenceGateRecipe false
If true then vanilla fence gate can be crafted.
fenceRecipe true
If true then vanilla fence can be crafted.
furnaceRecipe false
If true then furnace can be crafted.
goldAppleRecipe false
If true then golden apple can be crafted.
goldArmorRecipe false
If true then all gold armor can be crafted.
goldBlockRecipe false
If true then gold blocks can be crafted and uncrafted.
goldNuggetRecipe false
If true then gold nuggets can be crafted from ingots and ingots can be crafted from nuggets.
goldPlateRecipe false
If true then gold pressure plate can be crafted.
goldToolsRecipe false
If true then all gold tools can be crafted.
hopperRecipe false
If true then vanilla hopper can be crafted.
ironArmorRecipe false
If true then all iron armor can be crafted.
ironBarsRecipe true
If true then iron bars can be crafted.
ironBlockRecipe false
If true then iron block can be crafted and uncrafted.
ironDoorRecipe true
If true then iron door can be crafted.
ironPlateRecipe false
If true then iron pressure plate can be crafted.
ironToolsRecipe false
If true then all iron tools can be crafted.
jukeboxRecipe false
If true then jukebox can be crafted.
leatherArmorRecipe false
If true then all leather armor can be crafted.
leverRecipe false
If true then vanilla lever recipe is enabled.
minecartChestRecipe false
If true then storage minecart can be crafted.
pistonRecipe true
If true then piston can be crafted.
plankBlockRecipe false
If true then vanilla planks can be crafted.
poweredRailsRecipe false
If true then vanilla powered rails can be crafted.
railsRecipe false
If true then vanilla rails can be crafted.
repeaterRecipe true
If true then redstone repeaters can be crafted.
roseRedRecipe false
If true then roses can be crafted into rose red dye.
shearsRecipe false
If true then vanilla shears can be crafted.
signRecipe false
If true then vanilla sign recipe is enabled.
stickRecipe false
If true then vanilla sticks can be crafted.
stoneSlabsRecipe false
If true then all stone slabs can be crafted.
stoneStairsRecipe false
If true then all stone stairs can be crafted.
stoneToolsRecipe false
If true then all stone tools can be crafted.
torchRecipe false
If true then vanilla torch can be crafted.
trapDoorRecipe false
If true then trapdoor can be crafted.
tripwireRecipe true
If true then tripwire hooks can be crafted.
woodDoorRecipe true
If true then vanilla wood door can be crafted.
woodSlabsRecipe false
If true then all wood slabs can be crafted.
woodStairsRecipe false
If true then all wood stairs can be crafted.
woodToolsRecipe false
If true then all wood tools can be crafted.
woolRecipe false
If true then vanilla wool can be crafted.


Chests are craftable using 8 lumber or 8 plank blocks.

Lumber (Oak) Lumber (Oak) Lumber (Oak) Grid layout Arrow (small).png Chest (Oak)
Lumber (Oak) Lumber (Oak)
Lumber (Oak) Lumber (Oak) Lumber (Oak)


Shears can be crafted using two Wrought Iron Knife Blades.

Working Rules
Grid Anvil Hit Light.png Grid Anvil Hit Medium.png Grid Anvil Hit Heavy.png Grid Anvil Hit Light.png Grid Anvil Hit Medium.png Grid Anvil Hit Heavy.png Grid Anvil Hit Light.png Grid Anvil Hit Medium.png Grid Anvil Hit Heavy.png
Hit, Last Hit, Second From Last Hit, Third From Last
Grid Anvil Rules Blank.png
Knife Blade (Wrought Iron) Knife Blade (Wrought Iron)
Grid Anvil Weld.png Grid Anvil Red Rules.png Grid Anvil Green Rules.png
Stone Hammer Grid layout None i (verylong).png